Michael K. Burroughs
        Executive Coach, Recruiter and Author   

        Executive Onboarding Consultant 


                -  Experience

               -  Thought Leadership

               -  Innovation


What They're Saying About Before Onboarding

"As a former hospital CEO...I found this process to be a very valuable tool for anyone who is hiring an executive into their organization...If this process is followed, the new hire will have a greatly enhanced opportunity to succeed quickly and make fewer mistakes."


"Before Onboarding is full of reliable and straightforward advice.  I speak from experience.  I have tested each approach outlined and unhesitatingly would employ each again, without modification."


"As an HR practitioner with over 25 years with Fortune 500 companies...I have seen scores of new leaders fail in their jobs.  Before Onboarding has "cracked the code" on manager turnover by providing organizations with a blueprint on how to set people up for long term success..."


"Finally, someone has crafted a no-nonsense process to equip a newly hired executive with a quick start guide and roadmap.  Kudos to Burroughs for making his methodology so luminous.  This works in China, too.  Highly recommended."


"Before Onboarding should be a 'must read' in every C-suite or boardroom..."


"I am aware of no system or process as developed, battle tested and effective as the one Burroughs presents here."


"This book is outstanding.  Whether you are an HR executive, HR consultant or a corporate leader, this book is a must read."


"I've already purchased two more copies to share with clients, and 'showcased' this book at a recent OD/coaching/learning & development forum."


"Simple, powerful, straight-forward and effective.  A real no-brainer!"


"As a professor of nonprofit leadership, I know that this technique is missing from the curriculum and I intend to introduce it..."


"Mr. Burroughs' detailed, common sense approach is magnificent!  He provides a blueprint that, when followed, will proactively ensure an executive's success..."



Excerpts from Amazon.com




Before Onboarding:  How to Integrate New Leaders for Quick and Sustained Results, is available on Amazon and Kindle HERE.

Michael is the Group Owner of the Executive Integration Network group on LinkedIn.  This is an open group.